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Status Updates posted by Hiruka

  1. aii..salam je ke semut? kuih takde? :P

  2. Aku currently OC 3.8Ghz je..Harga retail baru dlm RM680+- kot.. :D

  3. Boring with Current Job..Otak Tepu camneh.. >.<"

    1. K.A.


      tepu? ala, macam tak biase lak,

      guling2 la ,hehehe

      release sket tension tu wakakaka

    2. Miss U.A
  4. Ehehe yer baru tukar processor arituh..E2140 keja kuat sgt, sian plak :P

    Thx MalaynewMaya :D

  5. Salam Pose..

    jgn ader yg tertinggal..duit raya separuh nnti..haha :P

  6. Snapping Madness with N8 huhu ^^

  7. Yer.. baru tukar Proc arituh :D

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