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Everything posted by daisygirl

  1. Salam 1 Malaysia, coding ini berkenaan dengan menu masukkan data, hapuskan data, membuat carian data, dan paparkan data. Tetapi apabila coding diljalankan, pemilihan menu tidak boleh dibuat, coding ini hanya dapat paparkan menu sahaja. Saya tidak pasti masalahnya dimana. Minta jasa baik member-mamber tolong semakkan dan beritahu saya masalahnya di mana. terima kasih. [CODE] #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; struct abc { string name,ic,dte_b; abc *next; //pointer next=point to next node. }; void insert(); void remove(); void search(); void display();// declare operation of list abc *head; //head is a pointer which will point to first node. main() { int p; char respond; cout<<"________________________________________________"<<endl; cout<<"\n\nCUSTOMER INFORMATION SYSTEM OF ABC COMPANY "<<endl; cout<<"________________________________________________"<<endl; cout<<"\n\nMENU"<<endl;; cout<<"\n1) CUSTOMER DATA INPUT"<<endl; cout<<"2) CUSTOMER DATA DELETE"<<endl; cout<<"3) CUSTOMER DATA SEARCH"<<endl; cout<<"4) CUSTOMER DATA DISPLAY"<<endl; cout<<"5) EXIT "<<endl; while(respond == 'Y' || respond == 'y') { cout<<"CHOICE : "; cin>>p; //enter no. of menu chosen. if (p==1) { cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"CUSTOMER DATA INPUT"<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; insert();//call function insert. } else if (p==2) { cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"CUSTOMER DATA DELETE"<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; remove();//call function delete. } else if (p==3) { cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"CUSTOMER DATA SEARCH"<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; search();//call function search. } else if (p==4) { cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"CUSTOMER DATA DISPLAY"<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; display();//call function display. } else { cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"EXIT"<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; } cout<<"BACK TO MENU [Y/T] :"; cin>>respond; } } //function for insert data into list void insert() { abc *newptr; abc *cur , *prev; // create new pointer for struct node cur = head; //new value inserted (cur) = niai head prev = NULL; //last value or before (prev)=nilai NULL newptr = new abc; //create new node to be insert. //assign value for node cout<<"ENTER NAME : "; cin>>newptr->name; //new pointer point to new value inserted (name). newptr->next = NULL; //new value point to NULL. cout<<"ENTER IC NUMBER : "; cin>>newptr->ic; //new pointer point to new value inserted (ic). newptr->next = NULL; //new value point to NULL. cout<<"ENTER DATE OF BIRTH : "; cin>>newptr->dte_b; //new pointer point to new value inserted (date of birth). newptr->next = NULL; //new value point to NULL. //link and head if (head == NULL) // first, if list is empty, { head = newptr ; //head will point to newptr } else // or else insert at front. { //move the cur dan prev pointer while(cur!= NULL && newptr->name > cur->name)//when cur is not NULL, new pointer which point //to nama value will give current pointer to move the nama value. { prev = cur; //previous value equal to current value cur = cur->next; //current value point to next node. } // insert at front newptr->next = head; //new pointer point to next node and equal to head. head = newptr; //the value of head is equal to value of new pointer. } } //function to delete the data void remove() { string ic; abc *prev; abc *cur; cout<<"ENTER IC NUMBER OF CUSTOMER DATA TO BE DELETED : "; cin>>ic; prev = NULL; cur = head; if(head == NULL) // start with empty list. cout<<"SORRY, NO DATA FOUND IN THE LIST:"; else //if list has a data,can be delete. { while(cur != NULL && ic!= cur->ic) //move the pointer of cur and prev { prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } if(prev == NULL) //remove from front. { head = head->next; // or head = cur->next delete cur ; //atau free(cur); } else if (cur == NULL) //if no elemen in the list { cout<<"SORRY, NO DATA TO BE DELETED IN THE LIST."; } else //remove from center or back. { prev->next = cur->next; delete cur; } } } //function untuk search data. void search() { string ic; abc *cur; cur = head; cout<<"ENTER IC NUMBER :"; //enter ic no. of customer you search for. cin>>ic; while(cur != NULL && ic != cur->ic) { cur = cur->next; //cur move to next nod. } if(cur == NULL) cout<<"SORRY, NO DATA FOUND IN THE LIST:-"; else cout<<"DATA FOUND :- "; } //function to display data in the list. void display() { abc *cur; //declare cur pointer cur = head ; //new value inserted (cur) is equal to value of head while(cur != NULL) //while current is not NULL, the loop will print value { cout<<"\nNAME :"<<cur->name<<endl; //output cur = cur->next; //new value inserted will place at front of value inserted before. cout<<"IC NUMBER :"<<cur->ic<<endl; cur = cur->next; cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH :"<<cur->dte_b<<endl; cur = cur->next; } } [/CODE]
  2. coding tentang pengiraan gred untuk dapatkan gpa untuk seorang user. User hanya perlu masukkan nama, no.matrik, dan gred bagi setiap subjek yang dinyatakan. selepas itu, gred yang dimasukkan akan memberi nilai untuk dikira dalam function calculate_gpa, akhirnya semua data yang dimasukkan akan dipaparkan semula oleh function print. Tetapi coding dibawah hanya menjalankan proses mengisi data, proses pengiraan dan paparan semula tidak berlaku. saya nak minta pendapat member-member sekalian untuk lihat kesilapan yang perlu diperbetulkan. [CODE] #include<iostream> #include<sstream> using namespace std; struct gpa { string nme,matric,subcode,subnme,grade; int credit; double gpa; }student; double pointcal(string gred); double calculate_gpa(double); void print(gpa student); int main() { string grade,mystr; int credit; cout << "\nENTER NAME: "; getline(cin,student.nme); cout << "ENTER MATRIC NUMBER: "; getline(cin,student.matric); cout<<"\nENTER GRADE FOR THE FOLLOWING SUBJECT:-"<<endl; cout<<"MTD3062 : Aplikasi Perkhidmatan Internet:"; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; cout<<"FMW3032 : Wacana Akademik Bahasa Melayu:" ; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; cout<<"HNS2013 : Kenegaraan :"; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; cout<<"MTS3013 : Pengaturcaraan Berstruktur: "; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; cout<<"CMP2011 : Pengurusan Kokurikulum: "; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; cout<<"MTK3013: Struktur Diskrit :"; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; cout<<"MTN3013 : Senibina dan Organisasi Komputer:"; getline(cin,student.grade); cout<<"SUBJECT CREDIT :"; getline(cin,mystr); stringstream(mystr)>>student.credit; double pointcal(); double calculate_gpa(); void print(); } double pointcal(string grade) { if (grade=="A") return 4.0; else if(grade=="A-") return 3.75; else if(grade=="B+") return 3.5; else if(grade=="B") return 3.25; else if(grade=="B-") return 3.0; else if(grade=="C+") return 2.75; else if(grade=="C") return 2.5; else if(grade=="C-") return 2.25; else if(grade=="D") return 2.0; else if(grade=="E") return 1.5; else if(grade=="F") return 1.25; else return 0; } double calculate_gpa(double gpa_s) { double subg,pointer,totals,totalc; string grade; int credit; subg=pointcal(grade)*credit; totals=totals+subg; totalc=totalc+credit; gpa_s=totals/totalc; cout<<"GPA :"<<gpa_s; return gpa_s; } void print(gpa student) { cout << "\nNAME: "<<student.nme; cout << "MATRIC NUMBER: "<<cin,student.matric; cout<<"\nMTD3062 : Aplikasi Perkhidmatan Internet:"<<student.grade; cout<<"\nFMW3032 : Wacana Akademik Bahasa Melayu:"<<student.grade ; cout<<"\nHNS2013 : Kenegaraan :"<<student.grade; cout<<"\nMTS3013 : Pengaturcaraan Berstruktur: "<<student.grade; cout<<"\nCMP2011 : Pengurusan Kokurikulum: "<<student.grade; cout<<"\nMTK3013: Struktur Diskrit :"<<student.grade; cout<<"\nMTN3013 : Senibina dan Organisasi Komputer:"<<student.grade; } [/CODE]
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